Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Removing that uncomfortable tooth!

Wisdom tooth has a long history and has been a part of evolution! To start with, it is the third generation of teeth after milk teeth and permanent ones. During earlier times such as the Stone Age, they were vital and much needed since the food during those times was raw and hard to chew. However, during today’s times, we cook tender and soft food which requires no special efforts to chew. As a result, we are satisfied with the set of teeth we have.

Wisdom teeth can act as a hindrance since first of all, they don’t have enough space to expand and secondly, they can cause immense pain. Often the day you feel your wisdom tooth coming out, you are under a lot of pain. This goes on for several days till you visit a dental clinic or get used to the pain. 

At clinics, an implant dentist can work on your pain by removing the uncomfortable tooth! Since it already causes pain, to top it with the pain of tooth extraction would leave you in an unconscious state. That is why anesthetists administer you a dosage of local anesthesia. This helps in making your gums numb so that you don’t feel any pain whatsoever during tooth extraction.

The costs associated with the same are minimal and not as high as compared to other complicated dental procedures. However, remember that you should not compromise just looking at the cost since a low jab of anesthesia in order to save the cost can cause you unbearable pain!


  1. With most extractions, a local anesthetic will be all that is needed to make the procedure comfortable

  2. The post is written in very a good manner and it contains many useful information for me. Orthodontics in Midlothian
