Friday, September 7, 2012

Maintain your million dollar smile with implant dentist Sydney

What strikes you immediately when you hear the word food? Amongst the many other things did you say teeth? God bless those souls who care for their teeth since these are the most essential part of your body that keeps you going. However, those bright ivory assets of yours aren’t meant to be with you all your lifetime. You might suffer from various ailments which can have an impact on your teeth. You may have to go for tooth implant which is helpful for your overall well-being. If you think after extracting a tooth you can leave it like that then you are wrong since the vacant space is unhealthy for the existing ones. You may not be able to chew properly when you lose a tooth.

You can go for dental implants easily where implant dentist very professionally substitute the root and it functions as an anchor for the tooth extracted. Initially it might be difficult for you to decide whether you should go ahead with implanting or not. With implants dentist Sydney you can be assured that you are in safe hands. They are equally qualified and experienced to provide you with a magical recovery. With technical know-how and trust in your implant dentist Sydney you would only experience bliss.

You shouldn’t think of risks as people of any age group could go for dental implant. The reasons could range from injury to any form of disease or even tooth decay. If you are one of those who are unable to wear removable dentures, you should immediately seek advice of implants dentist who could guide you with careful evaluation of your condition. Most of the dentists you would come across are trained in this field with required training and credentials to have patients come to them for advice. You could seek advice from your general dentist, periodontist or prosthodontist.

You can’t even imagine how your face would look like without your pair of teeth. They play a vital role by providing you the ability to speak, eat, and shine up while smiling. Its only when you lose one or more of them you values it more.

Some of the clear benefits of dental implants are:
•    You can chew the food properly, hence you can enjoy eating.
•    You feel more confident of not having to face your removable dentures moving out of place.
•    You feel you are almost wearing your natural dentures.
•    Won’t have to use adhesives.
•    You won’t have to suffer from painful gums.
•    You would experience remarkable change in your speech.
It’s a wonderful gift science has offered to mankind. You won’t have to think of your appearance anymore and your self-esteem can be at all time high. You could consider it as the best option whenever you extract a tooth. Studies have revealed that dental implants are much face-friendly than any form of bridge or endodontic treatment.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Orthodontics – Important Facts You Should Know

There are many conditions where the jaws are poisoned incorrectly or the teeth are not where they should be. These are very common medical conditions that can be rectified through Orthodontics. Orthodontics, a dentistry specialization, is for the alteration of faulty positioned jaws and correcting improper teeth ailments. There are many side effects of crooked teeth. These teeth do not enmesh correctly causing proper cleaning of such teeth to be very difficult. As a result, they are much more prone to periodontal disease and tooth decay which results in risk of early loss of teeth. Also, such teeth put a lot more pressure on the chewing muscles which leads to headache and many other such conditions like shoulder, neck and back pain. Last but not the least; crooked teeth and incorrectly positioned jaws also have a lot of impact in one’s appearance. An orthodontic treatment results in not only strong teeth that will last a life time but also consequent a healthy mouth and a more satisfying look. Orthodontist is the specialized medical practitioner of orthodontist treatment. To obtain this specialization they receive two more years of education, apart from the four years in dental colleges, through orthodontic training curriculum which must be ADA-approved.

Only Orthodontists can prescribe whether someone needs an orthodontic treatment using various methods of diagnosis such as X-Rays and photos of the jaw area, plaster sculpture of the teeth, and many more. Even so, if one faces any of the following conditions, he/she can go for an orthodontic checkup.

1.    Open bite is a condition where if one bites the back teeth, there is a gap in the front or side jaws.
2.    Overbite, also known as buck teeth, means that the upper jaw and teeth sticking out from lower jaw.
3.    Under-bite is opposite of overbite.
4.    Cross-bite is when, during biting down casually, the upper teeth isn’t slightly in front of the lower teeth
5.    Crowding is having more teeth, than the jaws have rooms for, jamming together.
6.    Spacing is having gaps or spaces between the teeth. This might be due to inconsistent growth of the teeth or a tooth that had fallen off but did not grow back.
7.    Misplaced midline is the situation where the center of the two front teeth in the upper jaw does not coincide with the middle line of the front two teeth the lower jaw.

Various different types of techniques involving a range of medical tools and equipment are used by the orthodontist to fix such conditions. The most commonly known method employed are the braces, which consists of wires, bands and brackets, to restrain and anchor the improperly placed teeth and force them into a correct position. Orthodontists also provide the facility of Wisdom Tooth Removal. They also perform various types of surgeries and operations. In such cases, skilled professional Anaesthetists are employed for numbing the areas where the surgery is to be carried upon. Many orthodontists also provide Emergency dentist services, which can be availed if one is in acute pain and in need of urgent medical care.